Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Little Lemon Souffles

Just came home from the Japanese Language class.  We had our last test tonight and it was a total disaster.  I decided to make these souffles to cheer myself up a little.  This is my first time to make souffle.  Speaking from my own experience, I was not expecting things would work out smoothly. To my surprise, they turned out ok.  Aren't they lovely?


Unknown said...

When life gives you lemons (rough Japanese test)... you make lemon souffle! Right on... I like that attitude!

Looks good Jennifer. I like lemon-anything dessert... my grandmother used to make a killer "lemon igloo" cake with whip cream and jelly rolls that definitely ranks as one of my favourite things.

Cherry said...

Those things are so cute!
Speaking of which I need to put my lemon souffle on my blog too!